Baileys Chimney Logo

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At Bailey's Chimney, we use Smart Scan technology to make sure your fireplace chimney is safe, from the inside out. A video camera inside the chimney allows you to see the the condition of the inside of your chimney on the ipad carried by our technician.
In keeping with our position as leaders in the industry, we are the only chimney service company in New Mexico that offers this service with every fireplace chimney cleaning that we do.


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Santa Fe 505-988-2771 / Taos 575-770-7769
Mailing Address
1470 Paseo Del Pueblo Norte (Unit #2)
El Prado, NM 87529

If we don’t pick up right away, send a text for the quickest response. We do our best to answer the phone when it rings, but if we can’t pick up we check our voicemail at least once a day.

Los Alamos customers, please call the Santa Fe office.

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Baileys Chimney Service Trust Symbols
2025 Bailey's Chimney Cleaning and Repair
1470 Paseo Del Pueblo Norte (Unit #2) El Prado, NM 87529
Santa Fe (505) 988-2771 · Taos (575) 770-7769 ·
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