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You can’t smell it, see it, or taste it, but carbon monoxide (CO) can destroy your health or even take your life. A simple molecule, CO is produced by gas or wood burning appliances in your home. It becomes more dangerous in the winter, when your windows and doors are sealed shut and your heaters are running. A faulty venting system for a water heater, a furnace or a wood stove can turn your home into a health hazard due to CO poisoning.

In uncertain times, there are some things you can control. You may have already reduced the risk of a house fire by having us clean your chimney and dryer vent. If not, call us today to schedule your annual service. We’ve launched a new program this fall with the aim of eliminating your risk of CO exposure by checking your carbon monoxide detectors while doing your annual chimney service. If you don’t have a CO detector, or if yours is expired or nonfunctional, we can provide a new one for you.

Technicians at Bailey’s are now required to carry CO detectors with them. We sell them at our cost, with no installation charge. If we’re at your home to clean the chimney we will check your existing CO and smoke detectors to make sure they are working - and we don’t charge for that either. We also offer courtesy checks of your fire extinguishers and your dryer vent while doing annual chimney service.

Early symptoms of CO poisoning are a lot like flu symptoms: headache, nausea and lethargy. More advanced symptoms include permanent brain damage and death. Please forward this email to your friends and loved ones. Awareness about CO is the first step in protecting ourselves from it.

If we detect CO in your home, we can check all your vents and get to the root of the problem. But the first step is to have a functional CO detector in your home.

If you haven’t checked your CO detector, please do so. If you don’t have one, please get one. If you’ve already had us clean your chimneys this year, thank you for your business. CO detectors are available at most hardware stores, big box stores, and online.

If we haven’t checked your chimney and other vents yet this year, call us today and schedule your annual appointment. Our certified techs will check your vents, advise you on anything that can help protect you from fire danger or CO exposure, and provide CO detectors for your health and safety.

Wishing you a warm and safe holiday season,

Justin Bailey

Baileys Chimney Service Trust Symbols
2024 Bailey's Chimney Cleaning and Repair
1470 Paseo Del Pueblo Norte (Unit #2) El Prado, NM 87529
Santa Fe (505) 988-2771 · Taos (575) 770-7769 ·
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